Who Made Your Pants?

Gorgeous Pants. By women, for women.

Pants closed Thursday 8th and Friday 9th April

Hi everyone,

In haste, a very quick note to explain why we are unexpectedly closed for a few days. The short story is I have to take some time out else I’ll burst, and Della, the other keyholder, has been evacuated from her flat due to fire and kind of has other issues on her mind right now. Long story below.

I have worked myself silly over the last few months, and so an old friend, the lovely itchy delight eczema, came back to see me. A lot. To the extent that a week ago I couldn’t open my eye. Ew! After paying almost £60 for prescriptions of pills, potions and creams, I reluctantly admitted defeat and took some leave. I was due to come back in tomorrow. Yesterday, blissfully, I started to relax and remembered what it was to feel enthused and energetic. I like it.

Then, at half eleven last night, I got a text from Della. If you live in Southampton or even Hampshire you may well have heard about this fire http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/7987499.Two_firefighters_die_tackling_blaze/ Della lives in that block. She and her partner had been evacuated, and are thankfully safe, but that meant that I had to come in today to open up for the sewing session. Losing my last day of leave.

Now I have to say, I feel a bit greedy and indulgent for taking any leave at all, particularly when we’re talking about raging infernos, evacuations and firefighters losing their lives. But I know I need to rest and I know I’m not very good at relaxing, so I’m going to have to explain myself to salve my own conscience. I did had a fairly spectacular breakdown a few years back, due to working myself silly to forget about my past. It’s not wise kids. And I didn’t spot the signs but I was doing the same thing again. My Committee pointed out to me that a significant risk to the business was me going off sick for a month with stress, so I think that, all in all, it’s wisest if I consolidate the leave I have had with two more days now, than risk going doolally again.

This means that we are going to be closed from about 4 today until 9am Monday, and I’m sure that you, lovely people that you are, will understand.

In brief other news, the women who are in today had a great day and we had a fab and interesting conversation about the election. They are really interested in it, so we’re goign to have an info session on it. Anyone got any suggestions for where I can get info on the main parties?

Thanks everyone


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